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26th Annual Veterans Council Dinner Dance

Tickets & Advertisements Now Available for 26th Annual Veterans Council Dinner Dance

Tickets, tables, and program book advertisements are now available for the 26th Annual UAW Region 9A Veterans Council Dinner Dance!...

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UAW President Shawn Fain Holding Facebook Live at 7 p.m. ET on the Fight for Good U.S. Jobs at Stellantis

DETROIT – UAW President Shawn Fain will address the UAW membership on Facebook Live at 7 p.m. ET tonight...

Read More UAW President Shawn Fain Holding Facebook Live at 7 p.m. ET on the Fight for Good U.S. Jobs at Stellantis

UAW Releases New Political Video on Corporate Price Gouging

Today, the UAW released a new political video highlighting the corporate greed and price gouging behind the surging cost of basic needs...

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Message from UAW President Rory L. Gamble on Democratic National Convention

Aug. 16, 2020 Sisters and Brothers: For UAW members this year's election is about how we rise to the challenges of tremendous changes we can expect over the next four years. The notion of living through a pandemic was something that I doubt any of us ever thought we would experience. We took our national health and many of our freedoms for granted.

Read More Message from UAW President Rory L. Gamble on Democratic National Convention

Open Letter from Former UAW President Ron Gettelfinger to General Motors

Open Letter in Regard to GM: I am not a spokesman for anyone other than myself and the words in this opinion piece are mine and they pertain specifically and solely to me. Since retiring on July 1, 2010, I have avoided speaking to the media. I read with disgust and dismay some newspaper articles pertaining to me yesterday. I do not blame the reporters. They were covering a story based on statements taken from General Motors’ Motion to Alter or Amend Judgment against Fiat Chrysler and others, dated August 3, 2020. I do, however, place the blame squarely on GM for their malicious and utterly baseless attack against me and a supposed “unnamed” member of my family.

Read More Open Letter from Former UAW President Ron Gettelfinger to General Motors

UAW President Rory L. Gamble Statement on the HEALS Act

“Outside the bubble of Washington, D.C. our families continue to struggle with an economy devastated by this pandemic. This impacts UAW members, their families, their communities and their jobs, all of which depend on a resilient economy. This issue needs to be solved.

Read More UAW President Rory L. Gamble Statement on the HEALS Act

Investigators and Interpreters at The Legal Aid Society Announce Formation of a Union with the UAW

Nearly 100 investigators and interpreters employed at The Legal Aid Society officially announced today that they would unionize with the the United Auto Workers (UAW), a labor organization which already represents thousands of legal services workers in New York City.

Read More Investigators and Interpreters at The Legal Aid Society Announce Formation of a Union with the UAW

Action Alert: Call Your Senators to Urge Passage of the HEROES Act

With the Senate back in session this week, negotiations are underway on a new stimulus package to help get America through the pandemic and the economic crisis. For months, the labor movement has been demanding passage of the HEROES Act that includes the vast majority of America’s Five Economic Essentials. Today, the AFL-CIO is having a day of action encouraging union members to call their senators and urge them to pass the HEROES Act now.

Read More Action Alert: Call Your Senators to Urge Passage of the HEROES Act